This site was designed using a number
of resources including TextPad (a great editor for HTML; available from
site), Notepad, various animation programs, Paintshop Pro 5.0, MapThis,
and an occasional HTML WYSIWYG Editor or two.
I used Netscape Navigator/Communicator exclusively but have found the new
MS Internet Explorer 5.5 to be a superior product in speed and usability.
It pays to have both browsers however to know your site's appearance with
each; believe me, there are differences which will become evident if you
use both. This site does look slightly more symmetrical under Explorer
5.0, although Netscape seems to offer a marginally more focused jpg image.
My first incarnation of the Bavaria Homepage was designed using a 17"
monitor but this version was made to fit a 15" screen at 800
X 600 resolution. In the future, I might be redesigning it for
a 17" display at 1024 X 768.
The Internet can be an interesting information source as well as great
entertainment; it can also be the biggest waste of time known to modern
man besides a rerun of Wheel of Fortune... There is no mistaking
the fact that it's one of the last places left where you can have an idea
and energy to create it..and within a few hours it can be made available
to anyone with a phone line and a modem... kh