Senior Six Head, William Gau - I stared at this shot for around 5 minutes before I was able to move. I am just now able to gaze in its general vicinity without the use of my trusty Solar Eclipse Observation Aid -ed.

Gau's  initial downfall, Fritz, once his inlaw grandfather's pipe dream, now something used to excuse the past 3 years of his life...(now Sold)

I'm not quite sure what year this is from... although, I was informed that the back of this shirt said "FOGHAT LIVE". Somewhere along the line, something happened between this and the shot above, but I'm not sure if those are the kind of details one should disclose without the aid of an attorney present...

Meet the head of the Senior Six Registry, William Gau . There is an often used cliché that one hears bantered about: One picture is worth a 1000 words. I have never seen a finer example of this adage; unfortunately, I have come to believe that in this instance, those 1000 words are better left to the imagination of those so inclined to go there...(this is a journey that still frightens me... Funny, while looking at this shot, I could only come up with five: Keep Away from Power Tools. )

Of all the Senior Six brigade, I have probably communicated with Gau the most, usually via email or the modern AOL/Netscape device known as the "Instant Message." In fact, one such conversation is recorded elsewhere in this site. I have yet to meet William however, even though he lives less than a few hours from my home. Every time a meeting seems eminent, some strange act of coincidence, fate, or God intervenes, and the encounter is thwarted. What does this mean? Is someone watching over me? (
God later punished me with multiple meetings and dealings with Mr. Gau. This is a man so unusual, even he has a hard time hanging out with himself)

Gau appears to be slightly overloaded from his duties as head of the Senior Six Registry. Every morning while checking my email, we have a 15 minute or so exchange that more often than not involves some form of hissing, gnashing of teeth, and worry over his project Bavaria dubbed "SSR-002" Turbo Lunacy. Yes, you heard right. Turbo. Why would Mr. Gau put a turbocharger in a Bavaria? Well, this illustrates just how sick and demented the Bavaria owner can become; although, no one comes close to the twisted logic of Mr. Woodham of Atlanta, who has managed to spend close to Ecuador's Gross National Product on his fleet of E3s.

Mr. Gau used to work for Duke University. Right now he has "freed himself" of that "burden" and devotes most of his time to wife, Senior Six duties, and banging his head on some hard, unforgiving object attached to 002's chassis.

 • SSR-002 Turbo Lunacy
 SSR-002 Horror IM Conversation

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