AL Taylor: He understands...
of course, exactly
what he understands is another matter.

Ok... This is"Al". I believe his last name is Taylor. Any man that resembles a Ralph Steadman character so eloquently has my respect. The Marvin the Martian shirt is also a nice touch.

You see, I want this man to work on my car; for some reason I can just whiff-read that this man knows what he's doing.. Why? I believe it's the hands...perhaps, it's the comfortable nature of his semi-slouch. Indeed, I don't believe I've ever quite seen a hand gesture such as the one Al is using with his left hand. If the man were left handed, I would give him the Key To The City... (and what in God's name is Al holding in his right hand??)

The next quest for me is to locate shots of Al's Bavarias in their full splender. I know he has more than one....oh can tell....

(See Gau's response below from
Reader Mail)



Subj: Re: Pimp Daddy
From: (William Gau)

<You still hanging around? Put ole Big Al in the page yesterday when I got bored...>

Big Al is a member of the registry, but every E3 he's ever had he's parted out. I'm trying to put him in a race car . . . he spends his whole life on the track.

He was the lunatic that was on the cover of the Tarheel Chapter FOOTNOTES a few months back wearing the Rocky & Bullwinkle hat.

Mr. Gau is referring to "Big Al" Taylor, who is featured in the Bavaria Owners page this week (or month depending on how many loons are willing to be seen). The fact that ole Al has not a single Bavaria that hasn't been reduced to on cinderblock status does add a bit of intrigue; of course, the idea of ole Al let loose on a race track with over 300 hp gives me a bit of pause as well... Would there be other cars on the track???.