your page
Date: 98-08-23 23:56:26 EDT
From: (James A.
are a nut! A whacked-out crack smoking nut! Thanks for
the fun...
Jim Bartridge is the S6r with the Sierra Bavaria with
coupe wheels.... I actually took his SSR photo and
colored it blue to see what my car would look like with
coupe rims; the sad thing is that I pasted my head on his
body as well.... the mere memory of it pains me; I sent
the shot to Jim...I'm sure he is now pained as well...
Subj: I'm
not alone!
From: (Joseph Gilmore)
Here I thought I was alone in my misery. I thought, after
being asked so many times "Is that a REAL BMW?"
and "Uh, was year is that thing?" that there
was vitually no one else in the world who knew what these
cars are, let alone think that they are the most
beautiful and fun vehicle ever produced. I have a '73
Bavaria that is in constantly varying states of
disrepair. At the moment it is stripped, awaiting the
necessary funding for a paint job.
However, allow me a moment to introduce myself and my
car. I have been into performance cars all my life, but
the years have come to demand certain amenities in life,
so off to my younger brother went the hot-as-hell 2002.
"Leather," I thought, "four doors, a large
trunk, a nice stereo, power windows, a little damn elbow
room!" Luxury became paramount, however, speed was
not to be sacrificed. Bilstein and Dinan suspension and
bars, Euro 3.5, '74 E3 Euro "touring" cam, CR
5sp, 3.64 LSD, etc. It was the love of my life, much to
the chagrin of my girlfriend. Due to circumstances beyond
my control, the front end became smushed,and the car was
shipped to a one-man shop that stripped my car, put on a
newish core support and then closed its doors. So here I
sit, my beloved buck naked in storage, trying to decide
whether to try to reassemble it, or buy another car to
modify with all of my disembodied performance parts. So
if you or anyone you know has a pre-'73 E3 manual, (I've
done the conversion three times now, and that's enough
for this lifetime.) s or si, mechanicals unimportant, I
am looking!
Also, is it possible to buy seal and trim kits for the E3
like it is for '02s? What is the best source for this
type of parts? I am always available via e-mail to answer
questions (I was a BMW tech for a long time), and I have
a huge arsenal of parts for E3s and '02s that is always
for reasonable sale to a fellow enthusiast. Thanks for
the shoulder to cry on. You'll hear more from me as I
become more familiar with these pages, the Net, and, uh,
my new computer!
Joseph Gilmore Phoenix, AZ
letter, Joseph! It's always great when you hear from
another E3 owner that magically appears via the WWW;
Joseph sounds like a valuable new addition and I pointed
him towards the SSR group as well so look for him soon on
the mailing list. He will come in handy when I attempt my
auto-to-manual conversion on my '72. His E3 sounds like
it was/is a screamer; I'm sure he will locate a S or Si
body now that he has more "connections." For
parts, I sent him to Mesa and Just BMWs on the [Bavaria Links] page. Dont
forget Maximillian at 1-800-950-2002.
Subj: New
Bavaria / E3 Link
From: (Allen Patterson)
Very entertaining site you've got there! Have added your
link to the first page of the E3 catalog section, happy
to do so. I moved William's link there too as I'm keeping
the model-specific links withing their respective catalog
sections. We don't usually share our site traffic
numbers, but suffice it to say you should see some
increase in visitors to your site. Glad to know yet
another person is working towards keeping the old sedans
alive. Just one question though, how do you keep the rust
man away from your car at the beach?
Very Best Regards,
Allen Patterson
Oh, just made official yesterday that O'fest 2000 is to
definitely be held in SC
by Tarheel, Peachtree and SC chapters...
Allen, who's to say I don't let the rust man visit? Hell,
he takes a ride daily and never seems to forget to leave
some momentos from his journey. Alas, it is really what I
hate the most about living at the beach, besides your
distant friends popping up outta the woodwork on
weekends. Korman is a GREAT place and only a few hours
from my house. Be sure to visit their new page on E3/E9
parts and engine upgrades (Bavaria Links). A really
great tuning firm and an EXCELLENT catalog!
Bavaria Drain
From: (Thomas Tarbell)
I guess I am stuck on Bavaria's, I have one my second, I
rebuilt the engine and put in a new radiator in 91 and
have not had a problem since, webers helped the carbs. I
think it is somewhat rare, 1972 with electric windows,
all work. The only thing that I have not been able to
repair or replace so far is the tool kit housing. I have
all the tools and even the original spark plugs.
Thomas Tarbell
you have definitely gone down the dark hole of blind
devotion. I'll see if I can dig you up a toolkit housing
but I unfortunately am looking for one as well since i
just cracked mine from too much "junk" in my
trunk! Of course, I need the tools as well....lord....
I will apreciate from you send me your catalog to this
Mrs.Rosario M.Dick
17 St.,AL-13,Urb.Pradera
Levittown,PR 00949
I have leaved a message in your voice mail asking for it
in Jehovah is this? I'm just trying to figure out what is
going on down in Puerto Rico?
Subj: 1972
From: (Karen Brooks)
Good afternoon,
My name is Karen Brooks with Megawheels Media Inc. I had
an inquiry come in the other day to add the BMW Bavaria
to our list of models. Unfortunately, there is not a lot
of information on these vehicles and I was unable to find
out if Bavaria was the model or the sub-model......let
alone if Bavaria is the sub-model what the model is. Even
BMW USA didn't know! Your web page is the first I've come
across that has any quality information on the Bavaria. I
would like to make sure that I have the make, model, and
sub-model correct before adding this information into our
database. So, my question to you is, is Bavaria the model
or the sub-model for BMW? If Bavaria is the sub-model
what is the model? If Bavaria is the model what are the
sub-models? I would LOVE a reply as quickly as possible
as I have been looking for the past three days straight
and was hoping you would be the best source for this
information. Thank you so much for your reply.
Best Regards,
Karen Brooks <>
sometimes wonder what the hell the Bavaria is
myself...Sometimes I feel like a sub-model but to what I
don't know. First and foremost, the Bavaria is not a
"series" like the 3, 5, 6, or 7 series. It is
actually pre-series. The chassis belongs to the E3
family which includes 9 different models : 2500 - 2800 -
2.8L - Bavaria - 3.0L - 3.0S - 3.0Si - 3.3L - 3.3Li. These include
the European versions as well as US. All of these share
the same basic chassis but differ in engine size,
appointments, options, and subtle styling. The L version
has the stretched wheelbase giving more backseat room and
the "i" version added fuel injection. The S
version usually meant it was optioned out. The Bavaria
was the first model with the 3 litre engine and in '71 it
was originally a 2800 without the options such as leather
interior, electric windows, and Nivomat self leveling
suspension,. It was also much cheaper and brought BMW
sales back up!
Subj: new items on your
Where did you get the time to do such great designs on your side ?
At day you're working and at night you're developing and designing
your side. Please tell me when you're sleeping ?
Great job. I like the new items. No wonder it's my car. The idea with
the chassis types is very good; i wanted to do it too. Coming soon
on my side, if i have some time. I know i have to do something.
Freude am Fahren.
Servus, Andy
PS: Not so important. The E3 with the numberplate M - SL 7096 is a
3.3 Li, not an 3.3 L.
Andy's cars
have been plastered in various pots on the page; still have not completed
his section in Featured Bavarias but that will be coming soon. Andy
lives in Germany and is frequently sited going berserk on the autoban
in his 3.0Si and 2500. He is currently working on a rebuild that is