Gerald Stanley sent me these photos with the following remark: "I'm just another martyr for the E3 cause." I'm not quite sure I would put it in exactly those terms. On the other hand, Mr. Stanley has had some martyr experience since he is the one who created the E3 BUYER'S GUIDE which might just have been the single most painful experience of brute REALITY ever endured by an owner or potential buyer of the veritable E3.

A loyal member of The Senior Six Registry, Gerald has been through the dreaded "Mad Gau Disease" and come out the other side but not before he managed to acquire two Bavarias and drive his usually patient wife to the brink of insanity after he decided to store his "baby" 73 BAV in their living room. To appease the woman, Gerald even got some "real nice new leather-like seats" that he stuffed with "the good stuff" but his wife failed to see the humor in the "new stylish bench seating for our more important guests." To put it bluntly, Gerald went without any so-called "party favors" for three months. Things have become a bit tense in the Stanley household as of late but Gerald has calmed somewhat after his new Direct TV dish was installed with what he called, "quality programming with good lighting."

His 73 E3 is a piece of work though. I have decided to give it its own space in the new Featured Bavarias section of the site. Unfortunately, the only thing still stock on his vehicle is the hood release and rear center arm rest. Mr. Stanley has installed all sorts of performance gear on board; it is rumored that he has all the phone numbers and store times of every PEP Boys nationwide stored in computers. These same machines are able to guide the Stanleys back home after getting lost on road trips to other counties far from the confines of their living room walls.

Gerald's daily driver (at right) is currently the main family "grocery getter" and is a hit at the local supermarket. Usually a crowd develops when Stanley pulls up; indeed, it is not uncommon to hear many comments pertaining to the "amazing" qualities of the car such as "I knew that RUST never slept but I wasn't sure it had so many nightmares until now." Unfortunately, things took a sour note recently when he was "stoned" by the local kids in the hood because they perceived the vehicle as a threat to the "reputation" of the "boyz". Seems the lads thought the "Stanley thang just makes the neighborhood look like its full of stupid white folk, with grease under the nails..."

Gerald Stanley... Something possessed Mr. Stanley to take this shot... or perhaps it was someone; whatever the cause, the results are the same: This is truly, one of the most disturbing things I have downloaded in at least..ummm...2 hours. But that's counting the mother and daughter team I downloaded from .

Stanley's "daily driver" If there is someone able to identify the rational reason one would buy this machine, then let them speak. I haven't seen anything this ugly since viewing William Gau's Doberman fetch his wife's cat...

I debated for quite awhile on the merits of including this; eventually, I realized there was no way to avoid it. This expression can only be described as "blow-by".  Mr. Stanley has been without any "good lovin' " for the past three months after storing his 73 Bavaria in their living room as "New Age" furniture.

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