Meet the "02
Princess" aka "Princess
Bavaria", "Little Miss Princess of Bavarian Fire", "BMWCCA
#23432849584 Princess", or the ever popular "Cone Masher Lisa."
A newbie to the Bavaria clan, Lisa has jumped headlong into the gaping Bavaria
pit of doom; she already has gone down the 2002 path. Lisa is the proud
owner of a shiny white 2002 she affectionately calls "Head Gasket"
for reasons best not mentioned in mixed company.
A regular on the Senior Six Mailing List, Lisa loves to attend get togethers
where she can "get serious and show them pansy SSR klowns how to
shift into DRIVE and put the pedal to the metal!" Lisa just purchased
a lovely Bavaria that has become "part of the family"
.... of course, she was spied the other day in Safeway near San Jose trying
to buy two TV dinners for an "evening of tenderness with my 6 cylinder
dreamboat." Later, she was seen sitting in her Bavaria trying
to spoon feed a veal cutlet into the glovebox.... The police were called
but things took a turn for the better

when Lisa admitted that she was just cleaning up "from the mess
Mr. Bavaria made trying to down the steamed carrots." Lisa loves
to drive fast but has lately been reduced to flipping a quarter to see which
"Teutonic Power Pack" will get the nod. More often then
not, the "Big Six" seems to be getting the call. Indeed, Lisa
likes the power but not the "extra two doors" which according
to Lisa, "makes it too easy for the local yahoos to think they
can get lucky..."
Lisa was hoping to get a 3.0Si for the "fuel injection" because
it "is sort of like the 2002tii I never had." She ended up with
a Bavaria but is still having trouble "feeling small" around the
Big Six, especially after living around that 2002 for so long. Lisa is getting
used to the torque and power of her new found toy but misses the "tossable
nature" of the little 2002. One thing she does admire is the "huge
trunk" with that E3. It makes the 2002 look like a bread box!
Indeed, Lisa has reportedly tried to sleep off a night on the town in LA
inside the trunk of her Bavaria! "You know, in many ways,
it was more comfortable than my futon," mused Lisa, "although
the head room was a bit problematic...several times I rammed my head into
the trunk lid after hearing a horn blast! Like, I thought I was in a horizontal
phone booth at one point but I sure did feel SAFE!" Lisa reportedly
got the idea of using her trunk in this way from Pete, also of California.
Lisa does not recommend the "shut lid" approach because "I
had to use my cell phone to call my friend to get me out. Next time, I'm
installing a safety release from inside; I don't want to re-live the days
I used to hide in the refrigerators in our local junkyard! WOW! Those were
the days, eh!?!?"
Lisa is a regular at the local Autocross meets and loves to mingle with
the BMW elite and show off her two prized possessions. When asked to pick
a favorite, Lisa balks and replies that each one "has its own value
and I wouldn't want to hurt the other's feelings." When on the
track, there is no room for idle chatter despite the fact that she routinely
talks to the cars to encourage a great time. "The
other day," chimed Lisa, "I gave Mr. Bavaria some Amoco 93 octane
and somehow, my lil 02 found out and was hurt!. He rewarded me with three
mashed cones and the worst time in my class at the Pep Boys Autocross. I
learned my lesson to NEVER treat them unequal again!" Although this
isn't proven, Lisa says that she is quite sure they discuss things while
she is away. "I think 02 has an inferiority complex that rivals that
dog in Old Yeller."
I have no idea what this means)
Lisa hopes to one day open a Counseling Center
for Cars for other troubled autos. "I think that California is
ready for such a concept, " purports Lisa. "We already have a
center for plants and I can tell you that these places REALLY work! I even
went to the local chapter the other day without my plant and actually
came away with a new take on the world around me; I have started to see
things as a plant might see them, and it has helped me come to grips with
the long silences at my family dinner table. Having a center devoted to
the automobile is just a logical extension.... I think it would float in