EICO HF-81 Rebuild Tips

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Eico HF-81 Wiring Shot

EICO HF-81: Wiring Tips and Hints - Roger Stevens

These notes were sent to me before I had a schematic or information about the EICO which explains why they are rudimentary. Roger and I had exchanged several emails regarding mods to the EICO HF-81 and this is one of them along with a full-size shot of my relatively stock interior with corresponding numbers to parts referred to in the text. I added some of my own opinions below Roger's comments/suggestions - kh

#1 Stock it's about a 30mfd@350vdc electrolytic. I used a new axial electrolytic I obtained form AES (www.tubesandmore.com), and went to a 47mfd@450vdc cap. The make is probably a Nichicon or Xicon - They're equivalent. A step-up would be a Sprague Atom (see latest on this), also available from AES.

[If it were me, I would go the extra route and at least put some Sprague Atoms (see at left) in here; personally, I am going to go for ELNA Cerafine which are extremely fast and transparent sounding - they are supposed to improve the tightness of bass and give the amp a more open sound - Regardless, like Stephen, I would tie these caps down in some fashion. The originals were held with clamps.

: The ELNA is no longer found cheap coming in around $45 depending. But from someone whose ears I trust says the Sprague ATOMS leave a bit to be desired here - They are a tried and true option by many, however. .

Direct quote: "Just for your information, I found the Sprague Atoms suck... Cerafines where much better. I didn't find a big difference between the Cerafines and the original ones (the Astron). The sunds lost a big portin of the guts and the soul is mostly gone. The transients which were really good before are now dull.

Not the best report.

The ELNA Cerafines DO fit
- Another cap to consider here is the Nichicon MUSE series or Panasonic TSHB which will fit within the space limitations but will not be of the same quality as the ELNA. On the other hand, the ELNA are no longer made so they are getting quite hard to find. While Solen might be another option, thus negating the use of Electrolytics in the power supply, the size would be a problem. kh]

#2 This is the power supply dropping resistor, probably a 5K. Leave it alone.

#3 These are the output tube cathode bias resistors, and are 165 ohms stock, at 5 watts. I'd make them a 180-ohms, 5-watt Xicon, available from Mouser (www.mouser.com) or DigiKey (www.digikey.com), you have to look. This will lower the temps a bit and more closely match modern voltages anyway. Get them as closely matched to each other as possible--order 5 and measure them and select the closest two.

[Once again, I am not sure about this either. Would this cause the amp to be biased a bit colder and thus lose some of the warmth? His idea does make sense and is worth a try. I would probably elect to get new stock in both values and might just elect to keep the bias the same as stock - kh]

#4 These are the line stage coupling caps, and as stock are .1mfd@600vdc
if I recall correctly. I used 716P Orange Drops of the same value.

[Another option here would be Auricaps at near the same value. These caps are supposed to be relatively neutral and not too harsh while also fitting within the chassis. This seems to be a good option to the Orange Drops (If going with the Orange Drops, make sure you get the 716P and not the 715p). I sure wish oils could be used here and in the main coupling caps. I now believe these to be the smoothest but size is an issue.  There is also a lot of heat down below here - kh]

#5 These are the output tube coupling caps. The stockers are ceramic and have to go. Space is, however extremely tight, and anything good would be tough to fit in there. I started out with no-name polyester film yellow jobs from AES, and used .1mfd@600vdc units. I later reduced them to .047mfd@600vdc Orange Drops (type 716P), also from AES, but they're physically a lot bigger, but usable. Sound great. 716P Orange Drops are the best overall compromise between price and performance for these amps. I haven't tried Illinois like they recommend up onthe Vaccum Tube Valley website (they sell the beasts).

[Very important to sound of amp. Really can affect the smoothness and transparency. Worth the extra to put some quality here. I have not made up my mind but most of the guys say the "Orange Drops" just arent in the same league as other film/foil caps. As he said, room will be an issue in stock chassis. Others to consider included Hovland Musicaps and Oil Filled caps which can be costly but have the richest sound. NOTE: Probably the easiest option size wise would be the Auricaps I mentioned above. And at this stage, I am more inclined to not go that much bigger than stock. I would go with the 600v versions at .033 or even .027uf. The 400v are smaller and easier to fit, however (also cheaper).  The reason is that larger caps can actually slow the amp down and I believe the bass is already a strong suit in the EICO HF-81- kh]

#6 These are the output tube cathode bypass caps. In stock form they are, I think, 25mfd@25vdc electrolytic caps. I used 100mfd@35vdc electrolytics from Radio Shack. A step-up would be 100mfd@25vdc Sprague Atoms from AES.

#7 (he missed these in pic - they are phono preamp)

You don't show the phono preamp over on what would be the upper right of your picture. In there are additional parts that need replacement, such as .25mfd@600vdc caps which are in stock form ceramic but for which I used 715P Orange Drops (there is no equivalent value available in 716P's). In fact I have probably replaced EVERY cap in my amp, end to end. Also, in the lower right there is a cap that as far as I know is not stock. It looks like an aluminum electrolytic (note: are these vintage oil caps? kh), and is clearly an addition. What it does and what it's connected to in your amp I have no idea.

A good soldering implement should be a real soldering station, such as from Weller or Ungar  ie a Weller 971ZX. Any temperature-controled pencil iron with about a 35-45 watt capacity will be fine; you will need a 140-watt gun (or bigger) for chassis ground work.


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