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Pantheon Audio
Pantheon Audio is proud to distribute the complete line of chokes, audio output transformers, and power transformers from MagneQuest.

MagneQuest Transformers are second to none
MagneQuest Transformers - MQ FS-030 - EXO-173 PPS - Peerless S-240-A

As a hard core DIYer myself, I have been amazed at the high quality of MagneQuest products. Their line of audio output trasformers and chokes are amongst the best one can buy. What do I love about their products? Simply put, MagneQuest roots run from the heyday of transformer design, owning Peerless and Acrosound archives. Such a history makes you hear clearly the difference in the way they play music. I've used MQ irons in almost every amplifier I have built, whether for a client under special order or my own personal system. Each time they delivered the goods above expectation. How many products can one say this much? It's why I carry them and why I continue to use MagneQuest in all my projects.

~ Jean-François "Jeff" Lessard

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