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I love Pete...Meet Lawrence Klein. Larry is another California Bavaria owner. Can you tell?

I believe there is something going on here with Larry that many don't know about, or at least choose to ignore. I hesitate to use the word "fetish" because it probably seems too "Cali" which is another word that I try to avoid, much like the Drive-Thru of a Bojangles. But some things can't be helped my friends, and in the case of Larry, it seems to be a healthy dose of "Trunk Love" or "Peteish," named after the original California trail blazer "Pete" who was known to sit in his trunk for hours, silently touching his tool kit lid while murmuring "Fix me...fix me...fix me..."  Larry, however, takes his love to a higher level of intimacy, face down, if you will.  Some might want to shield their eyes. 

These overalls were "free" to good home!I don't know why Larry enjoys this pose but I do know that I am having a hard time with the 37 versions of it he sent via his FTP program linked directly to this site. You see, Larry does computer work on the side when he's not dealing parts (Mr. Klein sent me a water pump that looked like it was off a 71 El Camino).  Don't get me wrong; I love Larry.  There couldn't be a nicer guy.  But when someone emails me three shots of his dog eating at the table with him on a Saturday night, then you know things aren't going as planned.

Larry loves his dogs.  But it appears that he loves his new 73 Bavaria dubbed "Bruno" a bit more (I refuse to name my car; indeed, there is something so un-German about this phenomenon...I still get chills thinking about it).

Junque Yard CruiserThis image at left is a real puzzler.  It arrived in my mailbox from Larry without much explanation so I've had to construct the sordid details on my own.  It appears to be a 1979 Toyota Cressida disguised as lord knows what.   Could this be some vehicle Larry uses to negotiate the streets of LA without emotional involvement?  Could this be the device Larry uses to peruse the local Junque yards in order to preserve the hip quotient?  Did Larry's last love mate steal this Teutonic symbol for an esthetic backlash and humbling device for Mr. Klein's Bavarian ego?  All must be conjecture at this stage.  Larry remains mute on the subject , one of the few things Larry can remain mute about...  I am working on his dog "Tucker" however and should have info by the time this page cools down.   Look for updates in the general vicinity.

Mr. Klein's driver?This image does not need much explanation.  Obviously, Mr. Klein has lost complete control of his household; who exactly DOES do the driving?  I have heard rumors that this hound has extremely quick reflexes but has trouble on 2nd to 3rd upshifts.  Anything has to be better than Mr. Klein behind the wheel.  I was told by one of Klein's dear friends that "Larry likes to ride the clutch a bit... Well, let's just say that he once fully disengaged his clutch in the late 80s and rear ended a Pontiac Grand Prix causing the "locals" to emerge enraged enough to give Larry a figure eight in his trachea.  He was never the same." 

Rumor has it that Mr. Klein is attempting to train his four legged friend to drive while he languishes in the back seat, soaking in the new Koni shocks he obtained from Mr. Al Taylor.  Said shocks were sold at a discount which is lucky considering they come with the sought after "klunk" option which improves dive characteristics in braking.

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